
MAPFRE Road Safety Experimentation Center

Inicio » Training » On-site training » Reconstruction of traffic accidents

Traffic accident reconstructionAdvanced

Aimed at car experts, personnel in the processing areas of insurance companies, judicial experts, members of the Civil Guard, Autonomous Police and Locals, after-sales professionals responsible for guarantees and claims and anyone related to the problem of traffic and road safety. Employability:You will be able to increase your value as an automobile expert by becoming a specialist in the reconstruction of road accidents and vehicle fires. With the method proposed by CESVIMAP you will be able to discover and reconstruct any fraud or road accident. Contents:

Provide a complete methodology for rebuilding a claim. Depending on the profile of the students, different training levels can be proposed, with content adapted to their needs. In any case, real cases are solved step by step and the practical content of the course is substantial.

  1. Fundamentals of crash reconstruction.
  2. Identification and interpretation of evidence. Data collection.
  3. Physics applied to the reconstruction of traffic accidents.
  4. Technical reports and your defense before the court.
  5. Computer programs for the reconstruction of traffic accidents.

Length: 16 hours (3 days)

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Duration: 3 days (16 hours)

Training: Face-to-face

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